Tuesday, July 20, 2004


Nostalgia is rather funny in some ways.  While perusing Target a little while back, I was somewhat amazed to see Strawberry Shortcake dolls.  She was a little more hip that I remembered her back in the 80's, but it was her.  Mrs. X told me that a lot of 80's toys were making comebacks.  Apparently Care Bears are very high on the market list right now. 
One thing I did notice though is that most of the comeback toys have been girl oriented.  Yes, TMNT are back after a revamp, but most of the male oriented toys have not made much of a comeback.  I've been told that GI Joe has returned to its 80's form after a funky 90's deviation in the comics, but I haven't seen any new attempts at toy marketing.  This strikes me as rather strange given the right wing bent our country is now under.  I've also seen no attempt at resurrecting either Transformers or Go-Bots.  I'm told that a He-Man makeover didn't do to well and sank back in to oblivion.
Still, its interesting.  NAMCO has been putting out packages of the popular old 8-bit games that we all used to play.  I actually have been doing fairly well at Pole Position II, despite how much the game cheats (you do not graze someone else's tire and then explode).  We've also seen VH1 go overboard with their I Love xx's shows.  The 90's were okay but it was very obvious that they cut some things and extended others just so they could have an I Love the 90's part deux which they went ahead and advertised in the 1999 segment.  But then again, shameless corporate greed is a part of the 80's and deserves a revival as much as anyone.
So I'll keep looking and see what other fun and amusing 80's things we can bring back to infect our kids with.
Greed, for lack of a better term, is good.  Greed works. - Gordon Gecko

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