Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Romney Sweeps

As expected, Mitt Romney won Maryland, Washington DC, and Wisconsin.

Mr. Romney took all 16 delegates from DC, all 37 from Maryland, and 33 from Wisconsin. His total delegate allocation is now 625 in the projected total and 577 in the hard total. In the hard total, Mr. Romney is now at 50.4% of the needed delegates.

Mr. Santorum was shut out in DC and Maryland, and only took 9 from Wisconsin. His delegate total is now at 262 projected and 212 in the hard total.

Next up is the district and state conventions in Colorado starting April 12 and running through April 14. 21 delegates will be assigned at the district level on the 12th and 13th, while the remaining 12 are assigned at the state convention on the 14th. Estimated allocation is 13 to Mr. Santorum, 12 to Mr. Romney, and 4 each to Uncle Ron and Newt. These estimations will probably be thrown completely out the window once the actual hard allocations begin.

April 14 will also see the remaining 14 Wyoming delegates assigned at their state convention. Mr. Romney is expected to take the bulk of those delegates.

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