Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Money Questions

My apologies for not updating in so long. My updates might be a little less frequent due to the new position I have taken at my company. I usually updated during the down times at work or over lunch. There have been a lot fewer down times in this new position, which is good for keeping me engaged, but bad for blogging.

Anyway, the election is fully set now with the McCain/Palin ticket vs. the Obama/Biden ticket. Most polls I have seen are showing a modest boost for Mr. McCain, though this could vanish the further we get from the convention. As of yet, I’ve not seen enough of a shift in the key state polls to suggest absolute panic on Mr. Obama’s part. He’s still leading in Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, and New Mexico. He’s also still very close in Virginia and Florida, though word is that he has pulled the advertising budget in these states.

It is actually this little bit that is suggesting a small stink of fear from the Left in what I’ve read. Although Mr. Obama is still pulling in a significant amount of money, his rates seem to have been declining and he seems to be having to work harder to get it. This forces him off the trail while Mr. McCain can stay on it due to his having $84 million in taxpayer funds. What’s worse is that Mr. Obama’s continued draw on donors is pulling away money that the DNC needs to fund its Congressional candidates.

Money isn’t everything, but if Mr. Obama loses certain states by narrow margins, or if Congressional Democrats lose races by small amounts, there will be a question as to whether just one more ad buy wouldn’t have put them over the top.

Likely there will be little movement in the polls, barring a major mistake by someone, until after the debates are over. Most people are just now waking up to the race again and they will make up their minds fully when they’ve compared Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama side by side on whatever issues matter to them.

I’ll do my best to keep tabs on things and offer my own two-cents now and again.

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