Thursday, September 25, 2008

How's that Knife Feel?

In case anyone might have missed it, Mr. Clinton is still very angry at Mr. Obama.

Yesterday, Mr. McCain pulled a little stunt where he announced that he was “suspending his campaign” to deal with the financial crisis. Of course, Mr. McCain could have gone back at any time, but by putting on a show and saying that he is sacrificing time with the voters, he tries to make himself look more Presidential. Good trick.

Mr. Obama promptly stepped in it, not by dismissing it as the stunt that it was, but by saying that he would be available should the Democratic leadership need him. A man running for President and is the head of his party should be the one dictating, not waiting for others to call when they think he’s needed. People don’t like cheep stunts but they hate gutlessness more. Mr. Obama should have called Mr. McCain’s bluff and been much more forceful about how he is directing things and not pulling stunts.

Then, on top of Mr. Obama’s misstep yesterday, Mr. Clinton goes on Good Morning America and promptly kicks him in the teeth. Mr. Clinton goes out of his way to remind everyone that Mr. McCain offered a series of ten townhall debates in the summer, so it looks less like Mr. McCain is afraid of debating Mr. Obama if he does in fact miss tomorrow’s debate (the VP debate is another matter). Mr. Clinton then goes and points out that Republicans have tried to reform the crisis several times over the past few years but that they were thwarted by Democratic members of Congress (with him being thwarted as well since he tried to fix the problem, he claims). Mr. Clinton is lying through his teeth about his attempts to fix the problem, but it does point out bills to try and fix the problem that were floated in 2003, 2005, and 2007 (Elizabeth Dole was the primary sponsor of all three) and were killed by both Democrats and Republicans who were getting massive amounts of money from Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac for their personal and political gain.

Mr. Obama is probably appreciating the knife in his back; especially after just a couple of weeks ago he came to New York to kiss Mr. Clinton’s feet to get him to campaign for him. Mr. Clinton has not forgotten what Mr. Obama stole from him when he defeated Ms. Clinton in the primaries and pointed out the buffoonery of Mr. Clinton when he tried to support her. Mr. Clinton is now going out of his way to sabotage Mr. Obama (while Ms. Clinton looks like the loyal soldier) to ensure that Ms. Clinton will be rolled in as the savior of 2012, sweeping him back into the power and glory that he loves and desperately wants back.

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