Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Big Bird... Seriously?

Mr. Obama's team has launched a new ad attacking Mr. Romney's proposal to cut funding for PBS:

I am a bit dumbfounded that this is an actual political ad. I like Big Bird a great deal and stand opposed to the cutting of funding to PBS (although Sesame Street's merchandising sales would more than keep it afloat if that ever happened), but this seems like a very trivial thing to try and make a campaign issue.

What's more, even if you did want to make an issue out of it, this seems like a silly way to go about it. I get that it's supposed to be sarcastic and the like, but Mr. Obama would have been far better served to note the miniscule percentage of the budget that funds PBS and use that to paint a class warfare attack on how poor children must suffer to pay for tax cuts to the wealthy or something like that. This feels more like something that SNL would put out.

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