Tuesday, May 29, 2012

TX: Dewhurst vs. Cruz

Today is the Texas primary and Mr. Romney should officially clinch the Republican nomination today. As such, the focus is shifting to the battle for the Republican nomination for Senate.

The current seat is held by Kay Bailey Hutchison (R) who is retiring. There are a number of candidates but the two top candidates are Lt. Gov David Dewhurst and former Soliciter General Ted Cruz. Mr. Dewhurst is the protege of Governor Perry and is seen as more of the establishment candidate. Mr. Cruz is more of an outsider and has recently picked up the backing of the state Tea Party.

The last polls that I saw had Mr. Dewhurst with the lead but the situation is fluid. This isn't so much of a case of RINO vs. Conservative as it is a case of Insider vs. Outsider and it will be mildly interesting to see which side prevails.

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