Monday, March 26, 2012

Santorum Goes Cajun

On Saturday, Rick Santorum won the Louisiana Primary with 49% of the vote. Mr. Romney came in second at 27%, while Newt finished a very disappointing third at 16%.

Louisiana was only doling out 20 of it's 46 delegates at this point. Because of a 25% threshold rule, Mr. Santorum will receive 10 delegates, Mr. Romney 5, and the remaining 5 will be unbound. The rest will be assigned at the state convention on June 2.

We now go into a lull week before picking back up again. Next Tuesday (April 3) will see Washington DC, Maryland, and Wisconsin vote. That will be followed by the district convention in Colorado and the state convention in Wyoming on April 14 where actual delegates will be selected.

In all likelihood, this will be where Mr. Romney mathematically eliminates Mr. Santorum from winning the nomination outright. Mr. Santorum (and Newt if he's still in it) will be playing prevent defense after that to simply deny Mr. Romney the nomination on the first ballot and force things through multiple convention votes. How successful that strategy will be remains to be seen.

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