Monday, March 19, 2012

Awww... the Denver Broncos!

What? I think owning the Denver Broncos is pretty good.

*Sigh* Marge you just don't understand football.

Whispers are swirling that Petyon Manning's agent is hashing out a deal with the Denver Broncos. Denver has a good defense, but I hope they plan on adding some muscle to the offensive line or Mr. Manning is going to be on his back a lot.

Meanwhile, where does this leave Tim Tebow? Because the Denver ownership is so dead set against Mr. Tebow, they're almost certain to trade him. Jacksonville makes the most sense as Mr. Tebow is still a god in Florida and his style of play is more suited to that offense. The Jaguars do already have a first round pick that they've been working for the past year, but he might get included in some sort of trade deal. We shall have to see.

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