Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's Called Class, Dude

I generally don't try to get too worked up over the behavior of our elected and non-elected officials. They're human and with that much power it would be unbelievable naive to not expect corruption and a certain level of entitlement.

However, there are certain levels of decorum that one should expect. A President taking time out of his State of the Union address to openly criticize a specific ruling of the Supreme Court shows a very specific lack of class. It doesn't matter if you think that that ruling is right or wrong. The powers of the government are separated and using a big speech moment to throw a temper tantrum about it reveals a great deal about a person's character. I do not blame Justice Alito for his reaction, nor do I get the impression that many other people will.

Also, is just me or does Justice Ginsburg look terrible? I know she has been sick and has been rumored to be considering retirement but I wasn't expecting her to look that bad.

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