Thursday, August 03, 2006

Lieberman's Window

Several months ago, if you had said that Joe Lieberman was going to lose the Democratic nomination for Senate, most people would have laughed at you. But now that looks like it’s going to be the case. Ned Lamont leads Joe Lieberman 54-41 in the latest poll of likely Democratic primary voters.

Most people will talk about other symptoms, but I think this is another example of God forcing his people back to Israel. I know George Bush is a lightning rod of hate on the Left by now, but how could a single issue candidate (the war in Iraq) defeat a man who is more liberal than the Minority Leader of the Senate (Harry Reid – NV). Yet that is exactly what is happening. Lieberman will push ahead and run as an independent and that will most likely have two results. Lamont will win anyway because enough Connecticut voters will knee jerk vote for the guy with the “D” next to his name, or Lieberman will steal enough votes from Lamont and the independents that the Republican challenger will win in a bizarre 35-32-33 race. Especially if the second option happens, Lieberman will be hounded out of Democratic politics.

Now, despite what most of the world thinks, I think the current conflict in Israel will last quite a while, perhaps as long as a year or more. More countries will get dragged into it and as Israel’s methods get harsher in trying to secure peace, animosity towards Jews will increase around the world. I saw on the news last night a report from a group of Jewish teenagers who had been in Israel when the fighting started and despite the need for security, all they talked about was how much they loved the country and couldn’t wait to go back.

I believe that a majority of the Jewish people in the world have a secret love of the home country buried within them and I think that as anti-Semitism grows over the next couple of years, we will see a significant migration back to Israel. So, it really wouldn’t surprise me if we hear in 2010 that Joe Lieberman has been appointed as Israel’s ambassador to the United States or even to a higher office. God may be shutting the Senate door to open the Israeli window for Mr. Lieberman.

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