Wednesday, April 06, 2011

More Fun in Wisconsin

Yesterday, an election was held for a position on the state Supreme Court. Current Justice David Prosser (conservative) was being challenged by JoAnne Kloppenburg (liberal). As of this writing, Kloppenburg was leading by 336 votes out of 1.5 million cast with all but one precincts reporting. That precinct is in Jefferson County (won by Mr. Prosser) so Ms. Kloppenburg's lead will be reduced by some margin, although it is unlikely to be overcome. Needless to say, this will go to a recount as there are accusations of fraud on both sides. Fortunately, Mr. Prosser's term does not end until the end of July so they will have four full months to play sue and counter sue before this whole thing comes to an end.

Of course, the reason this has grabbed attention is that the Wisconsin Supreme Court is currently split 4-3 conservative-liberal. Nearly everyone expects the justices to vote on party lines regarding the recent law about union dues and bargining. So this is seen as either a way to maintain the law as passed by the legislature and governor or as a means to strike down the law and return to the status quo.

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