Monday, April 11, 2011

Go Ahead. Make My Day.

The Arab league, acting at the request of Hamas, is petitioning the UN to impose a "No-Fly" zone over Gaza. Hamas is requesting this as they are currently getting the crap kicked out of them by Israeli air-strikes after they tried to murder children by launching an anti-tank missle at a school bus.

The resolution would almost certainly get vetoed by the US, but there is a part of me that wishes it would pass and then the UN would task the Arab League withe enforcing the "No-Fly" Zone. That would give the Israelis a nice excuse to reduce the Arab air-force to scrap metal, which they would do easily. The Arabs still haven't recovered from the destruction of their air forces in the 1967 Six Day War.

This should generate a proper Magnum Force moment:

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