Thursday, May 06, 2004

Friends Isn't Seinfeld

Well, Friends is ending tonight and I'll be spending the time letting Mrs. X cry on my shoulder for her disappearing show. Of course, that's nothing compared to what NBC will be doing after the end of May with Friends and Frasier leaving while fans of West Wing are starting to campaign for its demise to preserve the integrity of its memory. Bad times for them.

Of course, there have been all kinds of critiques of Friends and even more in the last week. The common thing that people peg Friends for, typically in a negative fashion, is that its not Seinfeld. Now, for me, this isn't a bad thing because I actually didn't like Seinfeld. But irregardless, I don't think its fair to say a show isn't good because it isn't like another show. Now, Friends did try to be like Seinfeld at first but it jumped away from that during the first season.

But, no, the show wasn't dark or overly cynical. It was escapism. It also certainly wasn't grounded in reality given the way the characters seemed to be able to afford things and the great number of discontinuities in each episode. But lets enjoy a thing for what it was and not what it was not. If you don't like something for what it is not, don't watch it. I don't watch a lot of things on TV and I'm doing fairly well for it.

And because its been a whole 2 days since I've last mentioned sports, I'll recap:
NHL: Calgary vs. San Jose and Tampa Bay vs. Philadelphia
NBA: Spurs up 2-0 on Lakers. Go Spurs!
MLB: All you people who said the Yankees were done are idiots.

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