Monday, April 13, 2009

Three Men on a Dead Man's Chest

Major Kudos to the Navy Seals for taking out the Somali pirates yesterday. They should have been prepared when the captain jumped into the water the first time, but at least we got the correct result in the end.

Now we just have to deal with the remaining pirate who was arrested. He should thank his lucky stars that he was captured today and not a couple of hundred years ago. Today he'll be taken someplace and put in prison. If he was lucky a couple of hundred years ago, he simply would have been hung. If he was unlucky, he would have either been keelhauled or had one of his arteries cut and thrown overboard to see how fast it took for the sharks to get him.

Hopefully next time this happens, the pirates will be dealt with quickly and they will learn to be much more afraid of a vessel flying the stars and stripes.

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