Friday, October 31, 2008


I’ve actually seen a bit more Halloween dress up at work this year. Previous years it was usually the secretaries and accounting. The secretaries are still dressing up but accounting has moved to a different building so I expected a smaller costume crowd.

For the most part, I was right. But I have seen some interesting ones among the engineers. The fellow who sits catty-corner to me is dressed up in a very impressive caveman, animal skin costume. There is a fellow in the next aisle over who is dressed as Heath Ledger’s Joker (shades of The Office). I’ve seen a woman dressed as a bee and another dressed as sexy Dorothy. My supervisor is dressed as one of the Beastie Boys in cop gear (although I think he looks like Michael Imperioli’s character on Life on Mars).

I shall be scanning around to see if I can see anything else that amuses me.


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