Monday, January 08, 2007

Year in Review

Here’s a fun little game. Take the first line of the first post for every month last year and see if you can spot a trend in what you talk about on your blog. Mrs. X did this and I thought we’d see what I talk about:

“Yesterday, at church, the pastor gave a little sermon about reading and studying the Bible.”
(A post about some of my theological research).

“To quote Bart Simpson, ‘I didn’t think it was possible, but this both sucks and blows.’”
(Steelers win Superbowl)

“So the Oscars were on last night.”
(I do a little entertainment now and then).

“The West Wing has been referred to as ‘if Hollywood had run the Clinton White House.’”
(Entertainment review mixed with some politics).

“Well, its election time here in Ohio.”
(More politics).

“I recently read a post on Real Clear Politics that accused RFK Jr. of reviving the Democratic shriek of how Ohio was stolen in 2004 to discredit Ken Blackwell, who is now running for Governor.”
(Even more politics).

“Two down, two to go.”
(Israeli-Lebanon/Gaza War post)

“Several months ago, if you had said that Joe Lieberman was going to lose the Democratic nomination for Senate, most people would have laughed at you.”
(I’m noticing a trend here).

“I apologize for being away for over a month.”
(The meat of this post was about Pope Benedict’s comments about Muslims)

“Well, things went to hell for the Bengals this weekend.”
(Finally getting into football posts again).

“Well, it becomes official sometime today that the Democrats have officially won both the House and Senate.”
(Politics in November. Shocking!)

“So a few things happened on the way to the Ohio St.-USC game.”
(More football).

So I think we can all see that I’m something of a political junkie (at least during election years), but I enjoy mixing a little sports and eschatology in as well. If you like those, please stick around. If not, I’m sure there are more nice blogs out there for you.

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