Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Slow Periods

So what's going on in the world right now? Not too much of real interest. Yes we're still at war and meanwhile the French told Chirac and the rest of the EU to go shove it, but really its been very quiet. Even in the X household, its been pretty quiet. Mrs. X got a new car last weekend and we spent this weekend dressing up the house and visiting with Mrs. X's mom, but that's about it. Excitement seems to be at a premium right about now.

Meanwhile, the book continues to move forward, albeit somewhat slowly. Working in the Peloponnesian War was getting a bit bogged down, so I took a short break and have gone back to examine the Joseph angle. I think I can definitely work through enough evidence that the Pharaoh who started the oppression was Sesostris III, making the Pharaoh of the Exodus Amenemhet IV, but I've hit a small snag with the start of things. Amenemhet I (founder of the 12th dynasty) began his reign a few years after Joseph came to court according to the current breakdown in chronology. So, either some of the numbers assigned to the various Pharaohs are wrong, or Joseph actually started before the 12th dynasty really got going. Then there is the whole reconciling thing with the 4th dynasty, but I'm not going to worry about that for the moment.

Still confidence is high and progress is being made. I have a total of eight chapters in various states of editing, although only one is anywhere near close to being ready. Plod along, get new information and work hard is all I can do.

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