Friday, September 03, 2004

This Land Fix

I've been having trouble watching it lately so for all those of you who haven't seen it, here are the words to everyone's favorite election year parody:

Bush: This land is your land
This land is my land
I’m a Texas tiger
You’re a liberal wiener
I’m a great crusader
You’re a Herman Munster
This land will surely vote for me

Kerry: This land is your land
This land is my land
I’m an intellectual
You’re a stupid dumb ass
I’m a purple-heart winner
And yes its true I won it thrice
This land will surely vote for me

Bush: You have more waffles
Than a house of pancakes
You offer flip-flops
I offer tax breaks
You’re a UN pussy
And yes its true that I kick ass
This land will surely vote for me

Kerry: You can’t say nuclear
That really scares me
Sometimes a brain can
Come in quite handy
But its not going to matter
Because I’ve won three purple hearts
This land will surely vote for me (Dean scream)

Bush: You’re a liberal sissy
Kerry: You’re a right wing nut job
Bush: You’re a pinko commie
Kerry: You’re dumb as a doorknob
Bush: Hey, you’ve got that botox
Kerry: But I’ve still got three purple-hearts
Both: This land will surely vote for me

Indian: This land was my land
Chorus: But now it’s our land
Arnold: From California
Clinton: To the New York Islands (*slap* What’d I do?)
Kerry: From the liberal wieners
Bush: To the right wing nut jobs
Kerry: This land was made
Bush: This land was made
Both: This land was made for you and me
Bush: (Oh and Dick Cheney too)

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