Thursday, February 26, 2004

Remembering Good Friends

Moving around sucks. My dad was in the Navy for almost 18 years and we regularly moved around all over the country. Now, there are benefits to that: cultural awareness, diversity in life, getting to know people all over the country. The downside is that you can't let yourself get too attached to a place or to people. If you do, you miss them much more when you have to leave.

I currently live in Cincinnati now but I'm a recent transplant. I moved here a little over a year ago to be closer to family and so that my fiancee and I could get married. It helped that Cincinnati is a major location for jobs in my field. Now, I would never say that I don't like it here, I do. But every once in a while, you miss the things you've had in other places. Mountains are a good example. Not too many of those out here.

Really though, its mostly people. You make good friends in other places and you exchange e-mails and stuff, but its never quite the same as walking over to their desk and just shooting the breeze. I have two good friends, Beth and Lance, whom I sat next to at my old job in Hartford, CT. I get e-mails and its a lot of fun reading those and just imagining how it would be like to still be there. Beth and I actually had a great routine of every week putting up some kind of quote outside our cube. One of my favorites was "Sarcasm: Just one more service we offer."

But change happens. Beth was actually moved to a different department and Lance and his wife just had a baby so things would have changed even if I hadn't moved. So when you are getting blue about how things change, just remember that things do change and the important thing is that you have the people you care about most around you.

Also, a belated one month birthday to Lilian Corrice (Jan. 22). Don't drive your dad too nuts yet. I need him alive in September ;)

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