Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Mono... D'OH!!!

I've been waiting for you Phil Jackson. When I left you, I was but a learner, now I am the master.

I know, Larry Brown isn't Darth Vader, but it was funny in my head when I thought it up a few minutes ago. If anything, Phil Jackson should be Vader since he is head of the evil empire Lakers. But the quote is funnier this way. Hats off to the Pistons. We'll get about two days worth of praise and then its back to the breaking of the Laker fellowship. Good riddance.

On the lighter side, I now have Simpsons: Season 4 on DVD. I haven't watched quite all of them yet, and I haven't even touched the commentaries yet, but I imagine that will change soon. I'm even going to save up a little bit and not watch "I Love Lisa" until Mrs. X and I are together for the weekend and she can enjoy it with me. She is a great fan of that episode. In the meantime, I'll just annoy everyone with quotes from season 4.

If you're going to get mad at me every time I do something stupid, then I'll just have to stop doing stupid things.

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