Sunday, February 11, 2018

Olympic Team Skate Scoring Redux, Part 2

We are now down to the qualifying five: Canada, Russia, USA, Japan and Italy. Canada entered with a clean edge and a four point lead over Russia (35-31) but Italy and Japan were within striking distance at 26 points apiece. The pairs long program was the only qualified event that also took place that day as the other three events will take place later today.

The standings after the pairs are:

Already we have our first discrepancy as Italy would be in third place in the alternate scoring system rather than still in fourth. But countering that, Canada's lead over Russia is smaller in the regular system than in the alternate system. But, with an ability to swing the pendulum in wider arcs, that larger gap may not be as big a deal as it would be in the regular system.

We shall just have to see what tonight brings.

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