Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Quarter Point Standings

I like to keep track of the playoff standings at various points in the football season. It's fun to go back and laugh about how team X was actually in position to win the division and get the #3 seed at one point when they end up finishing at 6-10. Anyway, here are how things stand as of the end of the first quarter of football:

1. Denver Broncos
2. New England Patriots
3. Indianapolis Colts
4. Baltimore Ravens
5. Kansas City Chiefs
6. Miami Dolphins

1. New Orleans Saints
2. Seattle Seahawks
3. Detroit Lions
4. Dallas Cowboys
5. Chicago Bears
6. San Francisco 49ers

There are a few tiebreakers in there (such as who is actually winning the AFC North) but for the most part, things are pretty cut and dry at the moment. I'm sure this list will change a bit, especially at the bottom. However, things are already starting to look rather stark in the NFC. Honestly, I'm seeing seven teams fight for six spots (Green Bay being the odd man out currently) and a sharp divide between the rest.

The AFC has a few more teams in it as you have two other contenders for the AFC North (Cleveland and Cincinnati) as well as Houston and Tennessee. I wouldn't even rule out San Diego, the NY Jets or Buffalo at this point. Really, its only Pittsburgh, Jacksonville, and Oakland that look DOA at this point. I'm sure separation will occur, but it is definitely closer in the AFC (as long as you don't include the Broncos. They're blowing everyone away).

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