Today is Election Day and I'll be keeping my customary running commentary of the day.
7:00 AM Dixville Notch and Hart's Location, NH held their votes just after midnight and reported their results. Dixville Notch tied at 5-5 (it went to Obama 15-6 in 2008) and Hart's Location went to Obama 23-9 (Obama won there 17-10 in 2008). So Mr. Obama is currently leading in New Hampshire 28-14. The rest of New Hampshire polls close at 8:00 PM EST.
10:00 AM Early voting statistics are slowly leaking out for Ohio. Ohio doesn't report party affiliation so people are using county past history. In 2008, in counties that Mr. Obama won, early turnout was 24.8% of registered voters. Counties that Mr. McCain won had early turnout of 19.1% of registered voters.
This year, historicly blue counties are showing an early vote of 21.7% of registered voters while historically red counties are showing an early vote of 21.3% of registered voters. Again, we have no idea of what party affiliation is in these counties or any potential crossover support. Taking it as a whole, it suggests that Ohio will be close and probably called late tonight.
11:30 AM Anecdotal evidence from various coworkers has suggested that turnout is pretty heavy so far. No one reported on having to wait a very long time, like it was in the early voting period, but most people are reporting of seeing more people and having to wait at least a little bit due to volume.
2:15 PM Early voting numbers have been reported by party from Colorado.
Republican: 688,503
Democrat: 653,450
Independent: 547,437
Obviously we don't know what the breakdown is, but one would assume that this would be seen as an encouraging sign for the Romney campaign. (Of course, we all know what assuming does).
3:30 PM Got a meeting and then I'll be heading off to run an errand and then its off to the polling place to vote.
5:00 PM Number 404 in my prescint. Pretty busy but it moved pretty well.
6:00 PM Polls close in most of Indiana and eastern Kentucky. The states will not be called until all polls close at 7:00. I'll be curious to see what discussion is made about those states (if any) since they are generally expected to go for Romney.
6:10 PM Flipping around, it looks like FOX has stolen CNN's interactive map board. CNN is showing results from Kentucky, but are waiting until 7 to make the call.
7:30 PM Just got back from the Y. Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, and Georgia have been called for Romney while Vermont has been called for Obama. Virginia and Ohio have not been called.
8:15 PM Maine, Massachussetts, Maryland, Rhode Island, Illinois, and Connecticut called for Obama. Oklahoma, Tennessee, Alabama, West Virginia, Mississippi called for Romney.
8:30 PM Arkansas called for Romney.
8:45 PM New Jersey called for Obama.
9:00 PM AP has called North Carolina for Romney.
9:10 PM Most of the plains states called for Romney. Obama takes New Mexico and New York. Michigan was called for Obama as well.
9:20 PM Pennsylvania called for Obama.
9:30 PM Wisconsin called for Obama.
9:40 PM Based on the various Senate calls, I'm guessing that the Democrats will retain control of the Senate.
9:48 PM CBS has called New Hampshire for Obama.
10:10 PM Blogger ate my last comment. The Senate is locked for the Democrats now. No calls are being made, but things are looking good for Obama in Florida, much to the surprise of just about everyone. If Florida goes to Obama, it's over.
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