Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Empire Striking Back

Mr. Obama at speech in Cleveland:

Darth Cheney's response:

Smell Like a Monster

Mrs. X found this a few days ago. Hysterical.

I Wear No Pants

My son reminded me of this commercial the other day. Of course, he's 18 months old...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Kucinich in Trouble?

A small poll recently done for OH-10 shows that incumbent Democrat Dennis Kucinich is only up 4 points in his western Cleveland district. If true, it's probably more reflective of Mr. Kucinich's kookiness rather than any overwhelming shift in people turning more conservative.

Still, the idea that a Cleveland Democrat is in trouble does give some perspective on how bad this election could be for the Democrats.

Another district that may turn and is indicative of a significant anti-incumbent fever is OH-6. This is the Appalachian district running down on the border with West Virginia and is the origin of current governor Ted Strickland. It is currently represented by Charlie Wilson (D) (no, not that Charlie Wilson). Despite favoring Republicans on a national level, it has stood solid with Democrats on a more local level.

These two districts will be significant bellwethers about how bad things will be for Democrats in Ohio and possibly nationally as well.